
When you need expert flooring services in Coralville and Cedar Rapids, IA, turn to the experts at Randy's Flooring.

Free Estimate Icon | Randy's Flooring


Plan your new flooring project with help from our experts.

In Home Measure Icon | Randy's Flooring


Get accurate figures
of your unique spaces.

Financing Icon | Randy's Flooring


We work with Wells Fargo & Synchrony Financial.

Free Estimate

We know that starting a new flooring project can be overwhelming. A free estimate from Randy's Flooring will help you:

  • Budget accordingly and minimize extra costs
  • Ensure you purchase enough flooring to complete the project
  • Prevent you from over-purchasing flooring material
  • Help prevent project delays and maintain timeline
Free Estimate | Randy's Flooring
Measurement | Randy's Flooring

Schedule An In-Home Measure

A successful new flooring project begins with accurate figures of your unique spaces. Schedule an in-home measurement with Randy's Flooring for:

  • Tricky dimensions, rounded walls, open floorplans
  • Converting measurements/square footage
  • Translating your measurements into flooring purchases

Top Flooring Brands in
Coralville and Cedar Rapids, IA

At Randy's Flooring, you select from only the best flooring brands and products available. We offer choices that can’t be found in other local flooring stores, working closely with trusted brands, offering products that last for years, providing excellent product warranties, and supplying a wide variety of style selections.

Shaw Logo | Randy's Flooring
Anderson Logo | Randy's Flooring
COREtec Logo Randy's Flooring
Philadelphia Commercial Logo | Randy's Flooring
dh floors | Randy's Flooring
Canopy | Randy's Flooring
Hallmark floors | Randy's Flooring
Mannington | Randy's Flooring
Masland | Randy's Flooring
WILCOX | Randy's Flooring
FABRICA | Randy's Flooring
STANTON | Randy's Flooring
Phone Visualizer | Randy's Flooring

Explore a new look from the comfort of your home