
Browse the most extensive local online flooring selection.

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We work with Wells Fargo & Synchrony Financial.

Flooring | Randy's Flooring
Vinyl Flooring | Randy's Flooring
Laminate Flooring | Randy's Flooring
Kitchen Tiles | Randy's Flooring
Area Rug Flooring | Randy's Flooring
Carpet Flooring | Randy's Flooring

What kind of flooring is best for my space?

We carry the in-demand flooring products across these major categories to help our customers capture all their favorite trends: 

  • Carpet - Nearly unlimited color, pile, and texture choices for maximum comfort and durability in any environment.
  • Tile - Countless styles, colors, and shapes to transform floors, showers, fireplaces, backsplashes, and areas that call for durability and water resistance.
  • Hardwood - Stunning, natural options that will hold up best including solid, engineered, factory-finished, or unfinished hardwood floors.
  • Laminate & Luxury Vinyl - Innovative surfaces with advanced constructions and wear layers to provide the performance attributes you need, delivering the look you love.
  • Area Rugs - Soft additions that you can use in any space for visual interest, comfort, sound absorption, and more!

Top Flooring Brands in
Coralville and Cedar Rapids, IA

At Randy's Flooring, you select from only the best flooring brands and products available. We offer choices that can’t be found in other local flooring stores, working closely with trusted brands, offering products that last for years, providing excellent product warranties, and supplying a wide variety of style selections.

Shaw Logo | Randy's Flooring
Anderson Logo | Randy's Flooring
COREtec Logo Randy's Flooring
Philadelphia Commercial Logo | Randy's Flooring
dh floors | Randy's Flooring
Canopy | Randy's Flooring
Hallmark floors | Randy's Flooring
Mannington | Randy's Flooring
Masland | Randy's Flooring
WILCOX | Randy's Flooring
FABRICA | Randy's Flooring
STANTON | Randy's Flooring
Phone Visualizer | Randy's Flooring

Explore a new look from the comfort of your home

In-Stock Flooring Inspiration

If you are on a strict timeline or need cost-effective flooring solutions for a remodel or renovation, our in-stock showroom means that you can walk in and walk out with what you need that very same day!

There's no waiting for special orders or delivery: Our in-house designers will help you achieve the look you want at an affordable price with quick turnaround time. Two weeks out from a major holiday? No problem – our showroom makes it possible.

Flooring | Randy's Flooring